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The consequences Trump could face for mishandling White House records The Presidential Records Act governs the record-keeping responsibilities of presidents, but legal experts have said Trump may have violated other laws. MoneyWatch More MoneyWatch. Politics More Politics. GOP gubernatorial candidate to appear before House Jan. Health More Health. Doctors share concerns over abortion laws Four doctors share their concerns about why abortion restrictions are causing confusion and putting patients' lives at risk.
Aug 8 World More World. This is what it's for. Military veteran rebuilds his life, with a castle on a mountain Mikey Allen's remote castle in Wales is a monument to the power of the human mind to overcome trauma, and a temple for others to do the same. Being gay is not a disease, Vietnam tells its medical workers "Homosexuality cannot be 'cured', does not need 'to be cured' and cannot be changed," health ministry tells doctors in a bid to end discrimination.
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Aug 6 Science More Science. Due to climate change, Nevada says goodbye to grass In a state where every drop of water counts, ornamental grass — which accounts for a large percentage of outdoor water use — has been banned in Southern Nevada, just one step being taken to address rising temperatures and shriveling reservoirs.
Aug 7. Experts call for more public urgency on climate change In a state where every drop of water counts, ornamental grass — which accounts for a large percentage of outdoor water use — has been banned in Southern Nevada. Aug 7 Explorer makes history on busy day of spaceflight Four rockets were launched from Earth on Thursday.
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Mayor on probe into killings of 4 Muslim men State and federal investigators are looking into the recent fatal shootings of four Muslim men in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Space More Space. Scientist apologizes after posting image of star that was actually sausage Etienne Klein apologized for misleading some Twitter followers with his "scientist's joke. SpaceX launches Korean moon probe South Korea's first moon mission will search for ice in permanently shadowed polar craters.
Aug 4. Blue Origin launches 6 passengers on sub-orbital trip to space It was the sixth crewed flight of Blue Origin's New Shepard sub-orbital spacecraft. Tonga volcano blasted unprecedented amount of water into atmosphere Tonga's Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano spewed an unprecedented amount of water vapor into the atmosphere. Latest Galleries More Latest Galleries. In common with the Philips CD-i and the 3DO, the CDTV was intended as an all-in-one home multimedia appliance that would play games, music, movies, and other interactive content.
The name was short for "Commodore Dynamic Total Vision". The hardware was based on the Amiga computer with a single-speed CD-ROM drive rather than a floppy disk drive, in a case that was designed to integrate unobtrusively with a home entertainment center. However, the expected market for home multimedia appliances did not materialize, and the CDTV was discontinued in , [21] having sold only 30, units. The Dreamcast, released globally in , was Sega's final console before the company focused entirely on software.
Although the console was initially successful and management in the company improved significantly after harsh lessons were learned from the Sega Saturn fiasco, the console also faced stiff competition from the technically superior PlayStation 2 despite being in the market over a year ahead. The Dreamcast sold less than the Saturn, coming in at 9.
The Fairchild Channel F was a second generation console released in , and the first home console unit to use interchangeable video game cartridges. It had respectable sales within its first year on the market, but soon faced competition from the Atari , another cartridge-based system that was released in September Whereas the Channel F's games were generally based on intellectual and educational concepts, Atari had crafted games that were conversions of their action-based arcade video game hits, and were more popular, making the Atari the more popular system.
Throughout its few years in the market, the console sold an underwhelming 45, units. With poor promotion, few games only fourteen were ever released , short battery life, a small screen, competition from the cheaper and more reputable Nintendo DS and PSP , and controversy surrounding the company, the system was a commercial failure. Several high-ranking Tiger executives were subsequently arrested for fraud and other illegal activities related to the Gizmondo.
Tiger Telematics went bankrupt when it was discontinued in February , just 11 months after it was released. Released in late by Mattel , the HyperScan was the company's first video game console since the Intellivision. It used radio frequency identification RFID [31] along with traditional video game technology.
The system was sold in two varieties, a cube, and a 2-player value pack. The cube box version was the version sold in stores. It included the system, controller, an X-Men game disc, and 6 X-Men cards. Two player value packs were sold online but may have been liquidated in stores and included an extra controller and 12 additional X-Men cards. The front-loading version was the original console design, with the top-loading version developed shortly before the Neo Geo CD launch as a scaled-down, cheaper alternative model.
The Neo Geo CD had met with limited success due to it being plagued with slow loading times that could vary from 30 to 60 seconds between loads, depending on the game. Although SNK's American home entertainment division quickly acknowledged that the system simply was unable to compete with the 3D-able powerhouse systems of the day like Nintendo 's 64 , Sega 's Saturn and Sony 's PlayStation , SNK corporate of Japan felt they could continue to maintain profitable sales in the Japanese home market by shortening the previous system's load-times.
The two handheld video game consoles, created by SNK , were released between through markets dominated by Nintendo. The Neo Geo Pocket is considered to be an unsuccessful console, as it was immediately succeeded by the Color, a full color device allowing the system to compete more easily with the dominant Game Boy Color handheld, and which also saw a western release. Though the system enjoyed only a short life, there were some significant games released on the system.
After a good sales start in both the U. It was SNK's last video game console, as the company went bust on October 22, A disk drive add-on and Internet appliance for the Nintendo 64 , it was first announced at 's Nintendo Shoshinkai game show event now called Nintendo World. The 64DD was repeatedly and notoriously delayed until its release in Japan on December 1, Nintendo, anticipating poor sales, sold the 64DD through mail order and bundled with its Randnet dialup subscription service instead of directly to retailers or consumers.
As a result, the 64DD was supported by Nintendo for only a short period of time and only nine games were released for it. It was never released outside Japan. Most 64DD games were either canceled entirely, released as normal Nintendo 64 cartridges or ported to other systems such as Nintendo's next-generation GameCube. Upon announcement of the cancellation of Randnet in , Nintendo reported a total of 15, current 64DD users on Randnet.
Common complaints included the difficulty of swapping games the cartridge slot was located beneath the battery slot, requiring its removal and the fact that its cellphone feature required users to hold the device "sideways" i.
However, the N-Gage brand still suffered from a poor reputation and the QD did not address the popular complaint that the control layout was "too cluttered". In November , Nokia announced the failure of its product, in light of poor sales fewer than three million units sold during the platform's three-year run, against projections of six million. Nokia ceased to consider gaming a corporate priority until , when it expected improved screen sizes and quality to increase demand. The idea was that a manufacturer could use the chip instead of an existing MPEG-2 decoder, thus turning a DVD player into a game console.
A year after launch only eight games were available. The Ouya is an Android -based microconsole released in by Ouya, Inc. Even though the Ouya was a success on Kickstarter , the product was plagued by problems from the beginning.
The console's bit architecture was created in , and by it was outdated, largely due to the fact that it was unable to create 3D images, instead utilizing an architecture that relied on JPEG video. The PC-FX was severely underpowered compared to other fifth generation consoles and had a very low budget marketing campaign, with the system never managing to gain a foothold against its competition or a significant part of the marketshare.
Around this time, NEC announced that they had only sold , units with a library of only 62 titles, most of which were dating sims. Nintendo, however, did give Philips the rights and permission to use five Nintendo characters for the CD-i games. All four of these Nintendo-themed games are commonly cited by critics as being among the worst ever made. Much criticism was also aimed at the CD-i's controller.
Sales began to slow down by , and in , Philips announced that the product had been discontinued. In all, roughly , units were sold, [69] with games released. Made by Pioneer Corporation in a clone was produced by NEC as well , the LaserActive employed the trademark LaserDiscs as a medium for presenting games and also played the original LaserDisc movies.
The LaserActive was quietly discontinued one year later after total sales of roughly 10, units. Like the Nintendo systems, the PlayStation Classic was presented as a smaller form factor of the original PlayStation preloaded with 20 games. The system was heavily criticized at launch. For nine of the games, it used PAL versions favored in European markets rather than NTSC , meaning they ran at a slower 50 Hz clock compared to the 60 Hz used in the Americas, which caused notable frame rate problems and impacted the gameplay style for some of the more highly-interactive titles.
The emulation also lacked the feature set that Nintendo had set with its microconsoles. Some of these absences were attributed to intellectual rights for example, Activision holding the rights to Crash Bandicoot , Spyro the Dragon , and Tony Hawk's , but other omissions were considered odd and disappointing. Sony's second major handheld game console , the PlayStation Vita, was released in Japan in and in the West the following year.
Built upon the PlayStation 2 , the PSX enhanced multimedia derivative was touted to bring convergence to the living room in by including non-gaming features such as a DVD recorder, TV tuner, and multi-use hard drive. Not only was it an unsuccessful attempt by Sony Computer Entertainment head Ken Kutaragi to revive the ailing consumer electronics division, [87] it also hurt Sony's media convergence plans.
The CD-ROM format sported a much larger storage capacity than traditional cartridges, allowing for a incorporation of full-motion video into games. By the time Sega discontinued the unit as part of the shift towards the Sega Saturn , the unit had sold only 2. Unveiled by Sega at June 's Consumer Electronics Show , the 32X was later described as the "poor man's entry into 'next generation' games.
Designed from the Mega Jet , a portable version of the home console designed for use on airline flights in Japan, Nomad served to succeed the Game Gear and was the last handheld console released by Sega. Released late in the Genesis era, the Nomad had a short lifespan. Sold exclusively in North America , the Nomad was never officially released worldwide, and employs regional lockout.
The release was five years into the market span of the Genesis, with an existing library of more than Genesis games. Sega decided to stop focusing on the Genesis in , several months before the release of the Dreamcast, by which time the Nomad was being sold at less than a third of its original price. Blake Snow of GamePro listed the Nomad as fifth on his list of the "10 Worst-Selling Handhelds of All Time," criticizing its poor timing into the market, inadequate advertising, and poor battery life.
The Sega Saturn was the successor to the Genesis as a bit fifth-generation console, released in Japan in November and in Western markets mid The console was designed as a competitor to Sony 's PlayStation , released nearly at the same time.
With the system selling well in Japan and Sega wanting to get a head start over the PlayStation in North America, the company decided to release the system in May instead of September , which was the same time the PlayStation was going to be released in North America. This left little time to promote the product and limited quantities of the system available at retail. With lifetime sales estimated at 9. The impact of the failure of the Saturn carried over into Sega's next console, the Dreamcast.
However, the console gained interest in Japan and was not officially discontinued until December 7, The uDraw GameTablet is a graphics tablet developed by THQ for use on seventh generation video game consoles, which was initially released for the Wii in late Versions for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox were released in late THQ also invested in several games that would uniquely use the tablet, such as uDraw Pictionary.
The Wii version had positive sales, with more than 1. Though its independent monitor could display only monochrome visuals, the console's vector-based graphics and arcade-style controller with analog joystick [ citation needed ] allowed developers to create a strong games library with faithful conversions of arcade hits and critically praised exclusives.
This red monochromatic 3-D " virtual reality " system was widely panned by critics and failed due to issues related to players getting eye strain, stiff necks, nausea, and headaches when playing it, along with the console's price and lack of portability.
It came out in and was Nintendo's first failed console release. Gunpei Yokoi , the designer of the platform and the person largely credited for the success of the original Game Boy handheld and the Metroid series of games, resigned from the company shortly after the Virtual Boy ceased sales in order to start his own company, although for reasons unrelated to the console's success.
Nintendo's Wii U was released in November It was designed as successor to the Wii to provide a more sophisticated experience and draw back "core" gamers that had dismissed the Wii, which they found was aimed for casual gameplay. They admitted their messaging of the Wii U's abilities had not been clear, leading to a general perception that the unit was primarily a tablet system or an add-on to the original Wii rather than a new home console.
The following is an incomplete list of software that have been deemed commercial failures by industry sources. The game, incorporating concepts from their previous game Crackdown and past work by its lead developer David Jones , who had helped create the Grand Theft Auto series, was set around the idea of a large-scale urban battle between Enforcers and Criminals; players would be able to partake in large-scale on-going missions between the two sides.
The game was originally set as both a Microsoft Windows and Xbox title and as Realtime Worlds' flagship title for release in , but instead the company set about developing Crackdown first, and later focused APB as a Windows-only title, potentially porting the game to the Xbox later. Upon launch in June , the game received lukewarm reviews, hampered by the existence of a week-long review embargo, and did not attract the expected number of subscribers to maintain its business model.
However, without any acceptable offers, the company was forced to shut down APB in September The game was the brainchild of Derek Smart , an independent game developer renowned for lengthy and aggressive online responses to perceived criticism. The concept behind BC3K was ambitious, giving the player the command of a large starship with all the requisite duties, including navigation, combat, resource management, and commanding crew members.
Advertisements appeared in the video game press in the mids hyping the game as, "The Last Thing You'll Ever Desire. As time wore on and numerous delays were announced, excitement turned to frustration in the online community. Smart exacerbated the negative air by posting liberally on Usenet. In November , Take-Two Interactive finally released the game, reportedly over protests from Smart.
Critics and the video game community reacted poorly to the release. Eventually, a stable, playable version of the game was released as Battlecruiser AD v2. The game's commercial failure led Ubisoft to postpone plans for any subsequent titles in the series. Alain Corre, Ubisoft's Executive Director of EMEA Territories, commented that the Xbox release "did extremely well", but considered this success "too late" to make a difference in the game's poor sales.
The game is set in a world based on heavy metal music , includes a hundred-song soundtrack across numerous metal subgenres, and incorporates a celebrity voice cast including Jack Black , Lemmy Kilmister , Rob Halford , Ozzy Osbourne , Lita Ford , and Tim Curry. The game was originally to be published by Vivendi Games via Sierra Entertainment prior to its merger with Activision. Activision and Double Fine counter-sued each other for breach of contract, ultimately settling out of court.
It only sold about , units within the first month, making it a "retail failure", and though Double Fine had begun work on a sequel, Electronic Arts cancelled further development. In it, the player controls Conker , a greedy, hard-drinking squirrel, through levels. Numerous reasons have been cited for the game's perceived failure to connect with audiences, such as its high cost, advertisements exclusive to the older audience, and its release towards the end of the Nintendo 64's life cycle.
One of the more infamous failures in modern PC video games was Daikatana , which was drastically hyped due to creator John Romero 's popular status as one of the key designers behind Doom. However, after being wrought with massive over-spending and serious delays, the game finally launched to incredibly poor critical reaction because of bugs, lackluster enemies, poor gameplay, and terrible production values, all of which were made worse by its heavy marketing campaign proclaiming it as the next "big thing" in first person shooters.
Due to mismanagement and Ion Storm's inexperience, the project took over a year, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. It received bad reviews and sold poorly, falling far short of recouping its purchase price, let alone the cost of finishing it. The game divided employees working on Ion's marquee title, Daikatana , arguably leading to the walkout of several key development team members.
It put a strain on Ion Storm's finances, leading the once well-funded startup to scramble for cash as Daikatana 's development extended over several years. Duke Nukem Forever was an entry in the successful Duke Nukem series, initially announced in , but spent fifteen years in development , and was frequently listed as a piece of vaporware video game software.
The initial development with the Quake II Engine began in , and the final game was developed by Gearbox Software, developers of the Borderlands series, and released in The game was heavily criticized and was named by several sites as their "most disappointing" game for the year.
Because of its tangled development process, it is very hard to know which companies made and which lost money over the game. EarthBound , the second installment in Nintendo 's Mother series of Japanese role-playing games , was released in North America in June By the s, multiple reader polls and critics had named it one of the greatest video games ever made , and it became regarded as a " sacred cow among gaming's cognoscenti".
Though heavily advertised and being released on multiple consoles, only , copies of Epic Mickey 2 were sold in North America, barely a quarter of the original's sales of 1. Based on Steven Spielberg 's popular movie of the same name and reportedly coded in just five weeks, [] this Atari game was rushed to the market for the holiday season. User Rating. View all screenshots 1. Best email apps for your iPhone. How to reduce eye strain from your iPhone.
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